Friday, September 23, 2011

Chiefs vs Indians

Sometimes we are Chiefs and sometimes we are Indians.

Today I had to be somewhat of a chief. As bossy and opinionated as I can be I really don't like being the chief. Family decisions are tough. You know the old can pick your friends but not your family. Wow that hits home sometimes. Who says we have to put up with family that does us wrong? I mean should we all be like Casey Anthony's mother and defend our blood no matter what? I don't think so! Let's just blow the lid off of this one..." I don't always agree with the things ----- does but I have to love ----cause ----is family."  Bullshit!  Family or not I am not bailing anyone out of jail that has the bloody knife in their hand.
Can I just say that my family that reads this need not be offended. You all rock!
Tip of the day: When your two yr old asks you to go potty and you so proudly take her pants and diaper off you should probably do the sniff test first. I believe at two you can really mean "I went potty already." WHAT A MESS!

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