Sunday, January 11, 2015

Love one Another, peacefully

One of the hardest things to do as a human being is to fight the urge to defend oneself against false accusations.  It takes great strength and courage to remain quiet as others whisper and spread lies.  It is so easy to tell someone to plead the fifth but so hard to hear it. In this age where news is at the click of a button and there are more than 5 ways to reach any individual at any time, peace is hard to find.  The term, think before you speak ,is rarely applied these days. Everyone is so inclined to post on facebook the thing they are feeling at that very moment that someone annoyed them.  Where is the cool down time? Remember that when you speak your mind against another it may make you feel liberated and free but what about the person who is being humiliated? As I began to write this post I thought about defending my husband and then I decided to practice what I preach. So I took time to think before I speak and decided that all I will say is this...
My family will hold our heads high and continue to be proud of the man who we love and who is the head of our home. I said "I do for better or worse" and I meant it. 
Always remember there are 3 sides to every story...His and his and the Lords..

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