Friday, April 15, 2016

Not so SUPER lice

This is my laundry room. I am sure you are wondering why I am sharing a photo of my messy laundry room. There is a load in the washer, dryer, and I already took two loads upstairs.  All of this is bedding from a lice infestation that hit the Golden Kiddie Ranch. I wonder myself how everyone, including myself ended up with lice. I really thought all the scratching Jillian was doing had to be dry scalp because there is no way we could have lice AGAIN. I think we just became "that family". We have had lice a few other times and my house may become the one kids are banned from visiting. Every time a kid within a ten mile radius gets lice they will probably be asked if they were at the Goldens'. Odds of getting lice do greatly increase in a large family. I have to keep saying that so I don't feel so crazy over it.  I no longer get rattled. I calmly pick microscopic sized nits and bugs from my children's hair repeating to myself that I did ask God to give me girls. I am thankful that they have their fathers straight and not very thick hair as well as I'm picking through their head like mama monkey (although I'm not eating them.) Now I hear there is a super lice going around. My 12 yr old informs me of this as I am desperately trying to find every last one. So now the worry is they won't die. Oh dear Lord, please no!!! Kids are sleeping in one room to avoid a laundry crime scene such as this in the coming days. By the way, lice picking would be easier if I had my under 40 eye sight back but I can do it. And I will do it every day for 3 weeks until I want to shave the girls heads and say it's a hot new trend. So this is a big apology to all my friends who itch every time I text the word lice. Thanks for not shunning us and remember if you think bad things about us you will have to go to confession. LOL! 

Having lice is nothing compared to what my dear friend Jeanette is going through right now.  She tragically lost her son during a very brief deployment. She sits and waits in foreign country to return with her son Nathan's body.  Her husband and other children wait for her return as they mourn the loss of a child and brother. We continue to pray for her safe return as well as the repose of the soul of Nathan. As I spoke with Jeanette, for a moment I was thankful we had lice when she actually laughed out loud when I told her. It was nice to hear her laugh although I am not sure why it is funny. Ok, it's a little funny. 
Please pray for the Sudano and McDavitt family in this time of grief. 

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