Monday, September 19, 2011

Anger management

I just spent $56.99 on a used DS. This will be Aaron's fourth DS. The reason I bought a new one is that I threw his DS across the room and broke it today. Yep.. no mother of the year award for me. I am sleep deprived and Aaron was whining over doing his homework and I just lost it. Immediately I realized that guilt would overcome me and I would be buying another. This just pisses me off that I did it in the first place. Of course I told him he wasn't getting another but here I am sitting at the computer at 9 pm ordering a used system off  Ebay. How many times do I tell my kids to think before they do something and then here goes hot headed mama throwing things. Sadie says I may need anger management or a good nights sleep.

And here is a tip for the day:  Keep your old set of silverware. You know the ones that have all the spoons but only half of the forks and knives. You can use those to put in the kids lunch boxes. This will keep you from being pissed off when they throw away pieces from your new set.

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