Friday, October 14, 2011


I can remember a time (barely) when weekends were about carefree fun. I would buy a new outfit for a night out with the girls. I would sleep in and go to breakfast with friends. I could go away on the spur of the moment. Then there were kids....
Now weekends involve sporting events and church events and sleepovers and play dates. Nights out require a babysitter so they are well planned in advance. Kids get up the same time as during the week and usually there is an extra kid or two lingering in my home.
I don't miss my old life (I am surprised I even remember it) but I do miss the lazy Saturday mornings and going shopping alone to buy something for me instead of one of my offspring.
Well here is to another weekend. One kid is going to a birthday party tonight. Two games tomorrow. Choir tomorrow evening. Two sleepovers and I have my Dad for the weekend. AHHH... but Sunday I am going out ALL DAY with friends. I will be carefree and laugh and drink beer and sing.(poorly!) Hopefully my cell phone will ring less than 10 times. A few hours in I will have an epiphany that I have to get up with lil ones and work on Monday morning and I will swear that I am going to slow it down. Although I will probably wake up Monday feeling shitty with no voice and say "damn that was fun!"
Happy weekend!
Tip of the day: Don't be hatin' on Barney the purple dinosaur. He is one of the best babysitters I have and he is free!
If anyone would like to share a tip of the day please email Thanks

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