Friday, October 7, 2011

memory loss

It always amazes me when someone can remember the names of their grade school teachers or a grade they received in sixth grade. It makes me wonder how bad my memory truly is. I can't remember anything like that. Sometimes I have to focus when I wake up to remember what day it actually is. This I like to blame on sleep deprivation though. I hope! I know some people have an extroardinarily good memory but I think mine is worse than most. Once I read an article that drinking alcohol in your teens can lead to memory loss. Well I like to think this explains it! However lots of my friends drank with me and they seem to remember a whole lot more than me. Maybe it is good that I don't know everything I did back then. My husband knows that I am worried about how my mind will age but I think he is hoping I will lose my mind and he can have a girlfriend when I am completely senile. He actually jokes about it! I keep journals, I read and I write to help my brain along. It is funny that I can remember very clearly every single thing Joey has done that pissed me off. Poor man!
Well one thing is for sure...If Charlotte doesn't start behaving I may lose my mind long before I lose my memory and my posts may look more like John Grogans daily columns from Marley and me only instead of a bad dog it will about a very cute but bad little girl!
Tip of the day: Yelling at your kids will only make you feel good for about a minute before you begin to feel guilty. However it could be the only minute you feel good all day!

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