Thursday, October 20, 2011

Definitions of "crazy"

There are lots of types of "CRAZY". There is "crazy fun", "crazy good" and "wow that is crazy". I think it is good when someone says "it will be a great time with Stacy cause she is crazy". This definition would be "crazy fun". However sometimes crazy actually means....CRAZY.  I  happen to be the lucky one that is surrounded by a lot of crazy. I think I know a couple of peeps that could guest star on Criminal Minds (and I don't mean as a detective). It took me a long time to figure out that some people can never be fixed. These are the people that get great pleasure out of screwing up other people's lives. You know the ones that lie and are so manipulative that they can make you believe anything, even if you know it is untrue. This kind of crazy actually feeds off of your reactions to their actions and words. The more they upset you the happier they are. Well after many years I have finally figured out that the best reaction to this behavior is NO reaction at all.
Watch out for the smart crazy person. This is the worst kind. They suck people in like a devil in sheep's clothing. Warning signs: Never keep friends but it is never their fault. They make up crazy(there is that c word again) stories that sound like they could be true and even pull others into it so it sounds more believable. Sometimes these people steal too so you never leave them alone with your valuables.
I am an expert at sniffing out the "crazies" if you ever need any help!
Tip of the day: Swimming with the sharks is a bad idea. Sometimes people actually do get bit. Watch out!

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