Saturday, February 4, 2012

Sleep deprivation

Tonight was a big night for Sadie. It is the father/ daughter dance. I curled hair and polished nails, bought panty hose and even lipgloss for the princess. She couldn't stop looking at herself. Daddy dressed up and after a few instructions such as...don't dance, you will embarass me.. off they went. I am ever so thankful that there is no mother/ son dance because the whole event sounds painful. LOL! BTW, I broke the news to Sadie that her dad will probably embarass her until he dies. Example..he has been having nose bleeds all day and left with a tampon shoved up his nose. I am hoping he removes it before they walk in.

I watched the Kardashian girls on TV today and the dilemma was that Kourtney is letting Mason sleep in her bed so Scott is not. They went to their couples counselor to discuss this. I don't know why I continued to watch (boredom, exhaustion). Maybe they just need to come and spend a week here to see all the crazy bed hopping that goes on in the Golden house. Char is always in our bed and who know who else will be by morning. I think Celine Dion had the right idea when she had a custom made giant bed for her twins and her hubby too. Although since her husband is a fossil, she may have planned it that way for a reason. I just need a room that is just a giant mattress and then maybe I will get some sleep! I am suffering from sleep deprivation. Violet has only slept through the night once in a week. I am cranky (more so than usual). I don't know how I have had so many kids considering how much I hate getting up at night. Not to mention how amazing it is that we are ever in the bed alone long enough to keep giving them siblings.

I hope Sadie has a wonderful time and I hope that everyone else sleeps so I can become nice mommy again tomorrow!

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