Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Opinions are like.....

Date night started with a nice dinner for two and ended with a trip to Target buying groceries and toiletries. Funny how life changes! Funnier yet how a trip to Target is so relaxing without children.

I am in a bad mood today which means many things annoy my oppinionated self so here is a list:

Why is it that when success blows your way you seem to find yourself appologizing for someone else's lack there of?
 If you drive an expensive car but don't own a home or you live in a dump doesn't that make you bad with money?
If you are on welfare, food stamps or medical assistance but can afford to buy designer jeans and expensive shoes that just pisses me off.
Here is my final bitch...All of us who have chosen to continue having children,  we do know what causes it and no we are not done yet apparently and unless you or the government is paying for our kids than we don't care about your opinions!

The statements made in this blog only reflect the opinion of a shitty day by the blog owner! Remember the old saying "opinions are like assholes, everyone has one."

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