Monday, December 12, 2011

another golden weekend

Christmas time brings holiday gatherings with old friends. There once was a time when I would have gone out and bought a new outfit and primped all day in anticipation of one of my friends looking better than me. Since taking a shower is primping now I certainly don't have time to plan an outfit. This backfired on me this weekend. My husband and I showed up dressed inappropiately for a party. ( at least for this party) I should've known as soon as I saw the valet parking at a house party! BTW... I also had a road soda in my hand and a 6 pack as I entered by the piano player into a room of cocktail dresses. LMAO! Now this is a dear friend of mine so I asked her why she didn't clue me in. She should know I need instructions. However, it was a great party and next year I will buy an outfit!
The most interesting part of my weekend was when my grandfather told me he would like to date his widowed sister in law. Now let's just say that his thoughts and words are never that clear so it took some deciphering on my part. I do believe he was speaking about spending some alone time with her if you know what I mean! I think he was trying to get my opinion as I sat there like a deer in the headlights. Just another Golden day in the dena!
Tip of the day: Always over dress for a party. Never assume that life elsewhere is the same as in the Dena!

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