Saturday, June 23, 2012

Crafting fun

I used to be a mom who hated play doh and paints because I don't like messes. It is funny how much I have changed over the years. I used to vacuum everyday and now I am lucky to get to it once a week. Don't get me wrong I still clean my house but I am very much more relaxed. My toilets are clean and most of the time my house is somewhat picked up. I find myself realizing that my craft supplies need to be replenished regardless of mess. Bags of gray colored playdoh that were beautiful and multicolored before Char got them are littering my counter tonight. Tomorrow my hands will be stained with tye dye after my deck is littered with wet towels and wet swim suits. Isn't that what summer is for? I will say that my tired body will pick it all up once little ones go to bed but I am trying hard to just enjoy the moment. Maybe I should say.. the moments between meals and dishes and laundry!
Oh and can I ask who came up with duct tape crafts? WOW someone is getting rich on that. They rename it duck tape and make new colors and designs and sell it for 5 bucks a roll. Why can't I ever think of these things.

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