Wednesday, January 9, 2013

21 TIMES 2

As I am approaching my 21st birthday for the second time I realize that I am not as old as that number looks. In many ways I like myself better than at 21. If  I didn't have grey hair and cellulite than all would be perfect. I actually would give little or no thought to my age if people would stop pointing out that I should stop having children because I am too old. Here is a revelation for all of you who think that I need a labotomy since I am crazy enough to enjoy my 6 kids..
 Trust me when I say there are worse things in life than having old parents. Keeping up with 6 kids is not for the weak or lazy. So next time one of you want to comment on my reproductive status remember I am probably one of the strongest people you know so I would watch out cause one day I just might have something to say back about your personal choices in life.
Also I want you to think about how many times you run into an elderly person as you are toting around your misbehaving children and looking a bit frazzled and they comment to you that you should cherish these years because they are truly the best years of your life. I know sometimes it does not feel that way but truly God is blessing me with a lot of good years then.
If you are waiting for your kids to grow up so you can start enjoying your life then I am supposing you made the right choice not to have a lot of children and I am glad for you and I am not criticizing your decision. Please don't critricize mine because I am not wanting them to grow and leave. I am happy to have a house of chaos and disorder.
God has a plan for all of us before we are even born. I would welcome another baby if God sees fit. It would be a great way to celebrate my 42 yrs on earth. We are all individuals because we are all different. I won't judge if I am not judged but watch out because I am human and you may not want my opinion of your life as you so freely give me yours about mine!

1 comment:

  1. Stacy I have said on occasion that you had to be insane. But I say it with love and a bit of envy. My husband is one of 9 children...I am the oldest of two. And to be honest I am amazed and jealous of what a strong woman you and my mother in law are to have the patience and strenght to have a large family. You truly are blessed! And the older my two kids get the more I wish I had a large family. My house is chaos with two not sure 4 more would make it any worse! You are amazing!!! :)
