Tuesday, April 17, 2012

When Barbie meets Ken

What makes the world great? Well one thing is all the different types of people and their interests. I love that I get to mingle with people who are completely different than me and have different views than me. Everyone knows that I am very oppionated so let's just say there is one type of person that I cannot seem to like or want to hear what they say. That type is the one I call the "barbie doll". The girls with hair extensions, lots of makeup, some other not real attributes, always a tan, more than likely botox and their sport is usually shopping. Now I am sure these girls have some endearing qualities as well but they are not for me. I always laugh at the ones who look like that now but not before they married for money. I wonder if Barbie ever wants to know how hubby fell in love with the non made up them but offers up the money to make Barbie who they want to be with. I think I would be a little offended if my husband liked me but..."your boobs could be bigger and hair longer and blonder and maybe you could get a new nose or maybe some botox."
I will add that my opinions are obviously not those of others because Barbie usually has an entourage of adoring fans that want to grow up and be just like her. News flash... I think you have to be born with the annoying voice and the ability to act as if you haven't a clue about anything that is not fashion related.
Oh and in real life Barbie isn't usually married to Ken because Ken likes to surf and save the world. Usually thier Ken is the one who would never have friends or a wife if they didn't have money.
You guessed it.. I saw a real life Barbie today. I do try hard not to stare, laugh or ask why but I can tell you this, I have never met one I have liked yet.

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