Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Summer.. here it comes!!

As a child I remember counting the days til summer break.  As an adult and mother to many I no longer count the days until school lets out. I begin counting the days until school starts again.  Let me clarify....  Since I spend all my days at home with the little kids it may not seem like a big deal to have the 2 big kids join them.  However chaos begins daily when the school bus pulls up so I can only imagine what summer will hold. Sure, we spend all of our weekends together now but Monday always comes. Don't get me wrong, I love my kids. I just would like them more if they didn't annoy me so much. Sadie can't utter a word without whining or crying and there is also the door slamming, feet stomping as she's yelling that I am not fair. Oh and the constant need for entertainment. "Can I go here? Can my friend come over? and will you take me to five below."
Now Aaron isn't nearly as annoying. That is probably because he asks for little. However he has this annoying DS game that he has to make loud noises as he plays and after awhile he sounds like he has Turets.
All of this aside I still love summer and it is my favorite time of the year. And this year I am even keeping a few other kids a couple days a week. I figure mine will bother me way less if I have others to focus on. It also helps that I can drink this summer since I am not knocked up. I think beer companies should mail out coupons like baby formula companies do. Or better yet... the baby store should sell beer. Maybe I will add that to the comment card next time.
Happy Summer my friends!!!!

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