Thursday, March 31, 2016

I'm back!

It has been quite a while since I have been inspired to write this blog.  As I look back I realize many of the blogs I posted don't reflect who I am now. I even thought about starting a new blog and leaving this in the past.  But that is not the answer because who I am is because of who I was. I am not ashamed of my silly posts because every situation has helped me to grow as a person, mother, wife and friend.  My family does funny things and I have not taken the time to share and that is going to change. I could spend hours writing about the trials and amusement of homeschooling alone.  As I reflect on the posts of the past I wrote during dark times while trying to find some humor in the situations that were tearing me apart.  Nothing and everything changed all at once.  I surrendered to the only One who could help me.  I surrendered slowly until my heart became full of love and forgivesness.  Now I am that wierdo, the "religous girl", church lady, etc... and that is okay.  I am still the same silly, miller lite drinking, camping girl but now I have someone tagging along with me in everything I do.  Everyone should get to know Him because you will never be alone again and I promise you can handle things much better with His help. The dark times I spoke about could not touch what this family overcame recently but as hard as they were I had hope.  
When the restaurant closed I wasn't sure if I should be happy or sad.  I was so sad for Joey who had spent the last few years working hos fingers to the bone.  Sad that he was wronged by his partner when Joey is so honest.  I was happy for myself and the kids to have him back but unsure how he would fit back into our lives after so long.  And then the biggest obstacle we had to face was financial.  We struggled through for awhile and then nearly lost our home.  Stress was definitely the greatest struggle for me and daily I prayed for a solution to the situation so we were not on the street. Thank God for being granted a modification on our mortgage so we could stay in our home.  I realized that all the times I had longed for a nicer, bigger home that none of that matters. I have never been so happy to just keep our home. People have been generous to us, helping with the kids tuition and prayng for us. We are not fully recovered by any means but we are thankful, hopeful and happy. There are many other things that jumped in our way and knocked us down during the last 18 months but we kept getting back up and trudging forward. This family has faith, hope and love even when we are yelling at one another!
It is time to revive this blog and share my "Golden" moments at the "Golden Kiddie Ranch" so stay tuned for posts to come.
This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad.  Ps 118:24